Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sharepoint: Email Document from Document Library Context Menu

Excellent feature with a detailed How To:
"By default, SharePoint Document Libraries enable a person to e-mail a link to a document in a document library. This makes sense, because from a security perspective, you want to make sure that whomever clicks on the link actually has access to view the document. SharePoint will take care of authentication, ensuring that person is allowed to view the document. However, someone on Microsoft's SharePoint discussion board presented an interesting scenario: their users don't have direct access to their SharePoint site over their network, so they wouldn't be able to open a link from an e-mail they sent to themselves, to get to that document, because they wouldn't have access to the SharePoint server URL. Intead, they wanted to be able to actually e-mail the document itself from the document library to themselves, so they could read it apart from being on the SharePoint site. "

For full article & code:


Guardian Angel said...

I'm really interested in your post and appreciate your effort. Unfortunately, your link is broken down. Please rectify this broken link. Thanks a lot for your kind attention.

MikeG said...

Try this link: